Sam Hernández

Artículos recientes de Sam:
The Adieu Parting of a Great Man
Hector Garcia’s Youthful Background
From Business-for-Profit to Business for Humanity
Hector Garcia’s Great Role on Human and Civil Rights
La Mitología y Su Injusticia a la Inmigración
Immigration and Migration Defined
The History of and the Focus on “The Wall”
Part Two: The History of and the Focus on “The Wall”
Third Part: The History of and the Focus on “The Wall”
La Historia y el Enfoque en "El Muro"
Segunda parte: La Historia y el Enfoque en "El Muro
Tercera Parte: La Historia y el Enfoque en "El Muro"

Extract from Mr. Sebastian (Sam) Hernandez Biography:
As a result, these students propelled me to earn the honor of receiving the Teacher of Excellence and Teacher of the Year finalist in 1968—the only Latino teacher to reach that position to this date in the history of Minnesota education.
During these years, I became part of a Minnesota DOE Committee that wrote a proposal for the mandatory teaching of potential teachers and teachers needing re-licensure to take 60 hours on Human Relations Training. This was training on the history, culture, heritages and contributions of people of color to the U.S. way of life, including women’s issues, cross-cultural communication and alternate life styles. It was finally accepted by the state congress and became the HR 521 Bill.